Friday, 21 November 2008


Science Lesson Plan

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Virtual Science Lesson

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Saturday, 8 November 2008


This is the hardest part actually. SOLVING WORD PROBLEM. Most of the students still confused after reading the question. This is because of most of the students cannot read very well especially Primary 2A. There are many slow-learner students. For the activity group, only a group can finished the activity work and in between they asked for my help.

This is the activity paper for each group.
When they are doing the activity
This is the only one group manage to finish their work activity on time

This is a spelling error could find in this activity paper that would be distributed to the students

I am helping this group explaining the questions they do not understand
Normas Aziah Ahmad Hizazi
Diploma in Education (In-Service)

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

9TH WEEK OF TP- 20/10/08


Today, the topic still on Money but the sub-topic is Solving Problems. As usual, the students recited all the prayers and Al fatihah before start their lesson.

My face really tense in may is not easy to make the students understand..

They are doing their classwork..answering questions using their workbook
After marking...some of them are confused with the questions given...

For the introduction, I explained a bit about the topic. Meanwhile, for the induction, I covered the previuos lesson that I have taught.
During the lesson, first of all, I taught them the keywords that they have to know...for example...TOTAL PRICE OR TOTAL COST AND DIFFERENCE...and some of the keywords I picked from the textbook from the section of Solving Problem...
In this topic, basically, the students must know how to READ. For example, Primary 2A, most of them are slow-learners, they do not know how to is quite tough to me. With the time given, it is not enough to give attention to all students especially the slow-learners. It is the toughest week of TP to me. It is quite challenging. For those students who cannot read, how can I help them? I have no time to teach them back the basic..ABC. This is the reason I say it is really really hard. I just 'TAWAKAL' and the most important is I am teaching them to the fullest.
Normas Aziah Binti Ahmad Hizazi
Diploma in Education (In- Service)

8TH WEEK OF TP- 13/10/08


As usual, the students recited Doa and Al-Fatihah before they start their lesson. For the introduction, I introduced to them about the topic above and tell them there are going to be an interesting activity class for them later on.

During the induction, I covered the previous lesson they have covered which is on addition and subtraction.
These are all the things (as my teaching materials) for the classroom activity...I prepared and packed everything I found in my house...hehe..
As you can see, I pasted the price...
I guess...the students are counting the money...
Looks like they are really enjoying having this Selling and Buying Activity...SO REAL
This is the environment during the classroom activity is caried out...
Before the kids start with the activity, I divided them into two groups. One group, they are 15 pupils...and I divided the buyers into two sub-group again for each group. I applied this to both classes I am teaching. So far,they understand the concept they have to understand in selling and buying. I asked them to take out paper, to make the calculations. From here, I could see how intelligent and clever they are managing their money. So far, my lesson for this smoothly.
After that, I asked them to answer the questions from the workbook. Well, some of them are doing well and some of them did not understand the question. They asked for my help...and I tried to explain to them and really struggling just to make them understand the question.
Normas Aziah Binti Ahmad Hizazi
Diploma in Education (In-Service)


Normas Aziah Ahmad Hizazi
Diploma in Education (In-service)

Sunday, 14 September 2008


I am using real money as my teaching materials
I am helping the students to do their classwork in Primary 2A

Salam and Hello,

today is my sixth week of teaching practice and I am still teaching money to the students. From my teaching, there are many slow learners in Primary 2A about more than 50%. It took me more than half an hour just to make them understand. That is why most of them, couldn't finish the work given on time. I am trying my best to manage my time, even in my lesson plan, I did manage the time for each stages. BUT the difficulty is when you are handling a hard situation where there ara many slow learners than the fast learners. I could say there are only about 3 pupils categorised as fast learners in Primary 2A. I have to explain to them in slow pace in order to make them understand and keep focusing.
I am using the real coins just to show the diffence between one cent and five cents

Diiferent case in Primary 2C because there are many fast rners than slow learners and some of them are also categorized as average learner but still, not bad at all. I am enjoying and having fun myself when teaching this class. They respond me faster than as I expected actually. Most of them are very good students. It only took me about 15 minutes to explain to them and then, they will understand the lesson that I taught.They will move on doing their work and what I got from them was really amazing. Means that, they understand what ever I am teaching them. But most of them confuse writing cents. For example, Thirty-two dollars and nine cents. The answer should be $32.09 BUT most of them wrote down $32.9. SO, I have to explain to them, how to write it correctly.

This is one of a fast learner in Prmary 2C, his name is Syazwan.

Monday, 8 September 2008


I am showing $1.00 of Amal Zariah's money
Masitah has $0.50 and Amal Zariah has $1.00. So, I asked the stduents what is the total amount of money from both girls.
Hamiz is doing his classwork on matching activity from the workbook page 14.
I am teaching Hairi how to calculate the exercise using the real coins.
Hanis is finishing her work on writing the amount of money in words.
Assalamualaikum and Hello ppl,
today is my fifth week of TP . I am teaching a new topic on MEASUREMENT 2 and the sub-topic is MONEY. Before I start the lesson, I recap the last lesson on FRACTION.For the introduction, I introduced the students with the units of money which are DOLLAR ($) and CENTS. I wrote down the price on the whiteboard and I asked the students to read the price aloud. So far, they can read all the prices well. It was just a problem some of themwhen to use DOLLAR and DOLLARS. After that, I asked the pupils to spell the amount of money in words.
It took me more than 30 mins to explain to the Primary 2A because of there are many slow-learners in the class. They cannot finished allthe classwork given and it will be continue in the next lesson. It is a different case when I teach Primary 2C because they can understand it well and they spell the money in words correctly. Most of the students can finish their work BUT they have problems when they count the coins. To be frank, the workbook is not a good book for this topic. The picyture of the money is not really clear and people are confused with 0ne cent and 5 cents. I try to figure how to make them understand well about this topic.

Sunday, 31 August 2008


This is during the induction session, I asked the students about the previous lesson.
A student, Hamiz is answering a question on which one is numerator and denominator.
After teaching, name the fractions.

This is a picture when I am teaching Compare the FractionsThe students are doing their classwork.

Assalamualaikum and Hello...

today, I am teaching Name the Fractions and Compare the Fractions . I am teaching using ICT (SmartBoard Interactive Whiteboard).Name the fractions focusing how to name the fractions such as one-quarter, one-tenth and etc. Compare the fractions is comparing one fraction with another and focusing GREATER THAN and SMALLER THAN. For eg. one-tenth is SMALLER THAN one-eight and one-half is GREATER THAN one-third.

The end of the lesson, some of them are still confused the sub-topic on which one is the greater and smaller. I just explain to them, if the denominator is large, so the smaller fraction it is. There is a picture when I taught the two students which didn't how to compare the fractions.

These two students, Masyitah and Taqiyuddin. There were still confusing comparing the fractions at the end of the lesson. So, the last five minutes of the lesson, I explained to them slowly about what to see in comparing the GREATER AND SMALLER FRACTIONS.

This is one of the student from Primary 2C. I explained to her about the same topic GREATER THAN AND SMALLER THAN in Fractions.

This is the pupil's work and this student can answer all the questions.

This is their classwork by doing a circle on the correct answer. The questions was about the Smaller Fractions and Larger Fractions.

Normas Aziah Binti Ahmad Hizazi



Sunday, 24 August 2008


I draw a circle, just to explain what is the concept of fractions.

A student answer a question by dividing a circle into quarter.

I am explaining about half and halves. If two halves combine, it become as a whole.

Primary 2C is having a discussion on how are they going to answer the questions given.

This student answering questions using Workbook.

The students have a group work and answer together the fractions by drawing different shapes.

This is a work produced by a group from Primary 2C. I love this one because it loooks real when they coloured it using color pencils.

It shows they undertand what I have taught them during the lessons.

Assalamualaikum and Hello...
today, here I am blogging for my Third Week of my TP. The topic for today is Fractions. For the introduction, I explained to the students whatis a fraction. What is the different between number and fractions. By telling them, fraction is written as ½. Then, I draw a circle on the whiteboard and I divided it into two equal parts. I also told them that in fractions, it must be divided into equal parts. I added example by reading them a story about Pizza. So far, they understood whatever I taught. They were some weak students, but still manage to catch up.

For today lesson, I have taught them half and quarter. They gave me a positive feedback which they can answer the questions from the workbook. About 98% of the students for each class answered in full marks.
For the activity session, I divided them into four to five groups. I gave them two pieces of paper and gave them a task. Different group, I gave them with different fractions. From the pictures above, showed that they were really had fun doing the group work and some of them were really creative.

Monday, 18 August 2008


Assalamualaikum and hello ppl,
today is my second week of TP. Well, I just observed my co-operative teacher teaching. Topic for today is on MULTIPLICATION. That was for their revision since they are going to have an assessment test this coming Saturday, 23/08/08. I have learnt something from my observation today. I was really amazed about The Magic In Maths which covered the multiplication 9. It is one of the hardest one amongst all. By using the MAGIC, a 3 years old girl also can manage to answer.

For the first 10 mins of the period, the teacher didn't allow the students to sit before they answering some of the questions on multiplication 3 and 4. I saw that they were using their fingers to count. Some of them were really good and could answer it correctly. Then, she explained to the students about the SKIP COUNTING. She drew fingers on the whiteboard, teach them what is the simplest way to remember the multiplication 3 and 4. It was an effective way to teach the students about multiplications. Adawiyah, is one of the weakest student but yet she could answer it correctly.

The teacher asked the students the verbal multiplications, if they can answer it correctly, then they can have a seat.
The teacher is explaining the SKIP COUNTING using the fingers.
The teacher is drawing three lines in each finger for multiplication 3.

For the activity, the teacher gave the students paper which had pictures of fingers. They answered the questions individually and most of them got it done correctly.

Normas Aziah Ahmad Hizazi

Diploma in Education (In-Service)


FIRST WEEK OF TP- 11/08/08

Assalamualaikum and Hello ppl,

I am here and I will update about my first week of TP at Sekolah Rendah Katok, Brunei III. I will be teaching lower primary class, Primary 2 ,the subject is Mathematics and my periods are four altogether. For my first week, I was just observed on how my co-operative teachers teaching. The topic for that day is MEASUREMENT - WEIGHT in Kilograms and Grams.

The teacher explained to them about the Kilograms and Grams. Kilograms is used to measure anything heavy and grams are used to measure any light materials. After that, the teacher using internet and open a website which is, and then the students were answering the questions. The game was about the different aliens, stand on the bathroom scale and they will read the weight. The teacher also expalin to them about the lightest and heaviest scale for the aliens by comparing them. For the activity, the teachers had asked the students to answer the exercise in their workbook. The questions

The teacher is using her own laptop and a projector to teach.

This picture was taken when the teacher asked the students to open their workbook and ready to answer the exercise.



Normas Aziah Ahmad Hizazi

Diploma in Education(In-Service)


Welcome to my blog...

this is my first post for my blog. First of all, I would like to say sorry if my english sounds ups and downs. I know my own capability in English writing. Honestly, I am not that good. However, I will try my best to give the best post in here for the whole of my tp.

The aim of creating this blog is to update every single activity for my TP. You guys are free to leave me comments and ideas in here. Don't worry, I am open to new ideas. Anyway, that's all for now. Byeezzzz

Normas Aziah
Diploma in Education (In-Service)